

22 Boulevard Solvay
6000 Charleroi
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Romain Verbeke - Contact communication

Tél. +32 470 80 59 41

The diary of jean-François Octave

Since 2003, Jean-François Octave has been delivering a regular newsletter to an audience of friends, acquaintances, students, the curious and more. Each mailing is accompanied by a Diary in PDF format, which brings together photos, drawings -or iPhone paintings-, socio-political and poetic reflections, memories and people revelations in the form of a public diary. As of October 23, 2023, this project, entitled "Une Vie (Ne rien oublier)" (A Life (Forgetting nothing)), totals 743 issues and over 5,000 pages. Each Diary is numbered in chronological order and covers a specific period of time (from a few days to several weeks): together, they form a snapshot-like narrative on the borders of pop art, concept and literature. For the past 1 year, BPS22 has been hosting all these electronic Diaries on its server, making them available for consultation and download, and the last 20 issues can be leafed through directly from the museum's website.

2023, Diary 742, pages 6-7 © Jean-François Octave

2016, Diary 475, page 2 © Jean-François Octave

2023, Diary 734, page 6 © Jean-François Octave

2023, Diary 719, page 1 © Jean-François Octave

2021, Diary 634, page2 © Jean-François Octave

2021, Diary 648, pages 1-2 © Jean-François Octave

2023, Diary 729, pages 1-2 © Jean-François Octave

2023, Diary 728, page 1 © Jean-François Octave

Portrait Jean-François Octave © BPS22