

5, avenue Franklin Roosevelt
B-1050 Bruxelles - Brussel
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Vinciane De Traux - Director Artcurial Bruxelles

Tél. 32 2 644 98 44

Results - Sales success for the Belgian collection of the Verly family

From 16/03/2021 to 31/03/2021

During the year 2020-2021, the Historical Weapons & Souvenirs Department offered for sale the "Verly Family Collection, the Napoleonic Heroic Poems". After a physical sale organized on December 18 and three purely online sales, this Belgian collection amounts to a total of € 818,226 / $ 973,688 including costs. This 1,012 lot set is epitomized by the auction of a Dolman from a Lieutenant of the 6th Hussar Regiment for € 46,800 / $ 55,692, or 9 times his estimated value.