Huberty & Breyne gallery

33 place du Châtelain
13.09.2024 26.10.2024

Huberty & Breyne Paris | Wolinski

For the first time since the death of the famous cartoonist in 2015, the Huberty & Breyne gallery in Paris is presenting an exceptional selection of drawings in the Wolinski exhibition. Coinciding with the 90th anniversary of the birth of the cartoonist (born in Tunis in 1934), this selection in the form of a tribute of 70 drawings, among the most representative of the artist’s work, highlights his favourite themes and different forms of expression: from humour drawings to comic strips, from studies to published drawings, in black and white as well as in colour, where insolence, laughter, love, passion and derision come together. To delve into the work of Georges Wolinski is to accept being pushed around. It also means accepting to tackle a work that mixes autobiography and fiction, always anchored in the reality of its time, always sincere.