
la boverie

Exhibition : BURNS - Carine Doutrelepont

From 20/09/2024 to 10/11/2024 - Press visit : 20/09/2024

Brûlures is Carine Doutrelepont's brand new exhibition. Why has she chosen this title, so revealing and mysterious at the same time? The intensity and fusion present in volcanic earth are strangely echoed in the Indian festivals of Holi and Divali, celebrating renewal or rebirth, the victory of good over evil, of light over darkness. The collection of photographs in this exhibition plunges us into the celebration of Holi, which marks the end of winter and celebrates the beginning of spring. The immersion that this work offers is punctuated by images of volcanic earth that blend in an extremely natural way with the explosions of colour that are characteristic of Holi. It's impossible to remain insensitive to the links between this religious festival and the lands immortalised by the photographer. Brûlures is a poetic, lyrical photographic work exploring the experiences connecting Nature and human beings. This project is a true testament to human life, visible in both the movements of the Holi celebrations and the volcanic manifestations. The palpable intimacy that emanates from each of the photographs on display reminds us of the beauty of the world, by highlighting the fire that springs from the heart of the Earth and the human beings who inhabit it. By bringing us face to face with this intense show, Carine Doutrelepont reminds us that it remains essential to take care of our Earth, as well as ourselves and others, because, ultimately, human beings and Nature are one and the same.

Sans titre © Carine Doutrelepont

Sans titre © Carine Doutrelepont