
huberty & breyne gallery

33 place du Châtelain
1050 Bruxelles
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Tél. +32 (0)2 893 90 30

Exhibition: Marc-Antoine Mathieu

Vom 10/09/2022 bis 15/10/2022 - Press visit : 09/09/2022

From September 10 to October 15, 2022, Huberty & Breyne Gallery in Brussels presents a solo exhibition of Dédales, 2 by French artist Marc-Antoine Mathieu, visual artist, scenographer and comic book writer. Dédales, 2 is likely to have a similar effect on the visitor as the eruption of the sphere in Flatland. And if he plays the game, if he lets himself be seduced by the author's conceptual tricks, the exhibition will leave a lasting impression. For Marc-Antoine Mathieu's hybrid art joyfully questions our expectations, without judging or pressuring: he invites everyone to define their own limits and boundaries, as the Oulipo invited the rats "who must construct the labyrinth from which they want to emerge".