
da vinci | europa expo - liège - guillemins

Gare Liège-Guillemins
Liège 4000
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Exhibition : Da Vinci

From 24/02/2024 to 03/11/2024 - Press visit : 23/02/2024

On February 24, 2024, almost 15 years after its successful exhibition in Koekelberg, Europa Expo is opening a new exhibition dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci in the museum space at Liège-Guillemins station: "Da Vinci - The Artist, the Engineer, the Gastronomer". Spanning more than 2,000 m², the exhibition aims to explore the reasons why he is still regarded today as one of history's greatest geniuses, recognized in so many fields. The exhibition focuses on three facets of his legacy: art, engineering and, most surprisingly, gastronomy. With this exhibition, entirely designed and produced by Europa Expo, the Liège-based company invites visitors to step back in time and wait until the end of winter.

Dossier de presse


Press kit


© Da Vinci exhibition - Europa Expo

© Da Vinci exhibition - Europa Expo

© Da Vinci exhibition - Europa Expo

© Da Vinci exhibition - Europa Expo

© Da Vinci exhibition - Europa Expo

© Da Vinci exhibition - Europa Expo

© Da Vinci exhibition - Europa Expo

© Da Vinci exhibition - Europa Expo

L'atelier Mona Lisa © Europa Expo

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